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Join us for a webinar hosted by MUIH faculty and admissions, exploring careers in herbal product design.

Acquire the skills and knowledge in herbal medicine, scientific practice, and research necessary to contribute to the growth of the herbal manufacturing field with an understanding of how to innovate in the field of product design and development.

[{"id":"2525276","eventID":"23339","date":"2024-10-28","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-10-14 19:22:04","updatedAt":"2024-10-14 19:22:04","times":[{"id":"14216750","dateID":"2525276","start":"7:00pm","end":"8:00pm","max":"100","maxGuests":"0","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-10-14 19:22:04"}]}]

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