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The future is calling for integrative health care professionals. We can help you take your next step. 

Join us for a webinar hosted by MUIH faculty and admissions, exploring careers and accreditation in health promotion.

Health promotion professionals are uniquely positioned to address the dual challenges of soaring chronic disease rates and healthcare costs. They work with small to large groups of individuals via community, school, and workplace health education programs, identify community health barriers, and advocate for community health initiatives and social and policy change.

[{"id":"2524540","eventID":"23311","date":"2024-10-21","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-10-10 14:59:58","updatedAt":"2024-10-10 14:59:58","times":[{"id":"14211476","dateID":"2524540","start":"7:00pm","end":"8:00pm","max":"100","maxGuests":"0","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-10-10 14:59:58"}]}]

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